D-Link 4 Port 10/100 N300 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router/DSL-224

Original price was: EGP1,500.Current price is: EGP1,400.
D-Link DSL-224 VDSL2/ADSL2+ Wireless N300 4-port router The DSL-224 VDSL2/ADSL2+ Wireless N300 4-port router is everything you need for high-speed

D-Link DWA-121 Wireless N 150 Pico USB Adapter

Connect your notebook or desktop computer to a high-speed Wi-Fi network using the D-Link Wireless N 150 Pico USB Adapter (DWA-121). The Wireless N 150 Pico USB Adapter lets you connect to any Wireless N150 network, so it's an excellent solution for everyday activities such as transferring files or browsing the Internet.

D-link DIR-612 Wireless N300 Router

Original price was: EGP850.Current price is: EGP750.
  • Set up in minutes with the D-Link setup wizard
  • IEEE 802.11n/g technology
  • Supports wireless encryption using WPAâ„¢ or WPA2â„¢
  • Fast Ethernet ports (WAN/LAN) to share high-speed Internet access with computers and game
  • High-gain antennas to enhance Wi-Fi coverage around your home
  • Supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)

D-Link ADSL Splitter

Original price was: EGP100.Current price is: EGP85.
D-Link Splitter Filters phone device sharing a single jack. Blocks DSL signals from phone equipment to enhance voice-band signal. Isolates